Want optimize your products supply-chain?

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Our Services

Product Sourcing

Efficient sourcing to find one or more high-level suppliers that match your product requirements and compliances.

Product Development

Work together with you and the factory to develop prototypes according to your specifications and needs.

Mass Production

Secure the best production and delivery terms with the factory through strict manufacturing contracts.

Quality Control

Inspect your products in the factory during and after the mass production through our local experienced team in Asia.


Coordinate your global shipment and import with cost and time-efficient freight solutions by air, sea and rail. From the factories direct to your warehouse.


Manufacture products with eco-friendly solutions and sustainable supply-chain in mind. As well work with Certified factories with good work environments.

How we work with you

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You send us your product and order details

We send quote for your approval

We develop samples for your approvalz

Before order, we summary a specific order contract

Mass Production starts for your order

We inspect the goods and provide you a report

After your final payment, we deliver the goods as your request

We follow up delivery and order satisfaction

Shaigoo Studios

We always inspect each production batch before shipping out your order.

Join our clients

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See what some of your clients say about us.

Are you ready to improve your procution experience? Contact us today?

We have sourced of 1000 products.

Here are some industries we are working in.

Travel & Fashion Bags

Watches & Fashion Accessories

Fashion Clothing & Apparel

Home Decor & Textiles

Fitness Equipment

Fitness Clothing

Office Products & Stationerys

Kitchen & Bar Products

Sports rackets & Equipment

Consumer Tech & Electronics

Adult Toys

Children Toys


Survival & First Aid Products

Protective Clothing & Medical Equipment

Premium Packaging

Your Request

Please contact us, we always get back to you within 24h. .

From where do we source?

We cover asias biggest manufacturer countries as China, Bangladesh and south-east asia.

Exporting Countries

Manufacturing Countries

From where do we source?

We cover asias biggest manufacturer countries as China, Bangladesh and south-east asia.

Exporting Countries

Manufacturing Countries

Shaigoo News

We cover asias biggest manufacturer countries as China, Bangladesh and south-east asia.

Why work with Shaigoo?

Here are some things we think you will appreciate when working with us.

Why work with Shaigoo?

Here are some things we think you will appreciate when working with us.

Why work with Shaigoo?

Here are some things we think you will appreciate when working with us.

Why work with Shaigoo?

Here are some things we think you will appreciate when working with us.

Please contact us, we always get back to you within 24h.

Meet the team

We cover asias biggest manufacturer countries as China, Bangladesh and south-east asia.


CEO & Founder


CEO & Founder


CEO & Founder


CEO & Founder


CEO & Founder


CEO & Founder


CEO & Founder


CEO & Founder

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Aliquam ut nunc at tortor scelerisque congue a id tellus. Vivamus fringilla pulvinar vestibulum. Curabitur suscipit lorem ac consectetur condimentum. Fusce ullamcorper faucibus cursus. Nullam dictum odio eu nunc lacinia interdum. Vestibulum semper massa sit amet augue condimentum, sit amet lobortis massa consectetur. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Nam congue vulputate diam, id interdum neque vulputate sit amet. Mauris iaculis lacus a orci finibus, nec dictum libero semper. Integer lobortis, enim ac efficitur efficitur, arcu lectus aliquam felis, ut fermentum metus ligula sit amet orci. Cras sed odio ut lectus tincidunt ullamcorper. Ut at elementum ligula. Sed varius efficitur tortor ac venenatis. Curabitur porttitor urna sit amet mauris efficitur tristique. Aliquam sed rutrum dui. Quisque id felis a risus interdum feugiat.