20+ years of experience in product development and manufacturing in asia


We are a solution-oriented sourcing agency with a vision to help brands create game-changing products and efficient supply-chains. From first design to last delivery.

Your key partner

Our local presence in Asia makes us able to work hand in hand with some of the most professional manufacturers in the world, covering many product industries. Combining this network of suppliers with our expertise in product development and quality inspection, we offer your company a unique platform where we together can develop and deliver the products of tomorrow. Created from your own great ideas, or with help from us.

Our story

Our story is built on friendship, trust, and long-term relations. We wanted to help people and companies with their big challenges, and those challenges happened to be our passion.


The inspiring trip

The Starting Point of Shaigoo Studios was when Kasper Sonesson (Founder) visited China the first time at the age of 14 with his father, Thomas. Thomas has been working with manufacturing in China since 1999 for his own business. Now he wanted to introduce Kasper to the big opportunity that China and the Chinese platform of manufacturers could offer.

That inspirational trip lit a spark for Kasper to explore this opportunity on his own. After finishing High School, he bought a one-way ticket to Shenzhen, south China, to start his entrepreneurial journey.


The meaning of “Shaigoo”

After 6 months of local internship and being a learning student of product manufacturing, Kasper founded the company Shaigoo.
Shaigoos name is a combination of the Chinese words 超过 (Chāoguò) meaning “Go Beyond” and 差异(Chāyì) meaning “difference”. These two words were going to be the foundation of Shaigoos’ way to operate. To go beyond and make a difference for our customers.


The start of Shaigoo Studios

The word spread at home in Sweden that there was a Swedish team, managing product development, and manufacturing in Asia. After a lot of customer inquiries, Kasper decided to create an all-in-one platform for this huge demand of supply-chain solutions.were going to be the foundation of Shaigoos’ way to operate. To go beyond and make a difference for our customers.

Together with a well-experienced Chinese team and Swedish Management, Shaigoo Studios was created. A full supply-chain agency providing professional services within product sourcing, manufacturing, design, quality inspection, warehousing, and logistics.



Today Shaigoo has offices in China, Hong Kong, Sweden, and production locations in China, Bangladesh, Southeast Asia, and eastern Europe.

We have built our business on the basis of “learning by doing” and with an extraordinarily skilled team where we all have the same burning interest for our customer’s challenges. That’s what unites us.

Since early 2020 during the Corona Pandemic, we saw a critical situation in the world where it was an urgent demand for hospital supplies.

Together with well-experienced partners in the medical industry, we have started to distribute personal protective equipment and medical products to hospitals around the world.

Your Request

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